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Changing Lives
   One Heartbeat At A Time. 



PQRST Center for EKG Training provides quality training to students take one of our three courses. This is a six-week course and once the course is completed with a B grade or better the student will earn two certification the first one is CET (Certified EKG Technician) and CTT (Certified Telemetry Technician). The course will focus on the student’s ability to understand and recognize electrical conduction of the heart to verify normal and abnormal changes on the EKG rhythm strip. The course will involve the recognition of sinus, atrial, junctional, and ventricular rhythms as well as heart block and pacemaker rhythms. Recognition of electrical conduction problems related to ischemia, infarction, and injury.


We Now Offer

CPR BLS - Heartsavers through the American Heart Association!

For those who are interested, feel free to click the "contact us" button below for more information of how you can become certified!


PQRST Center for EKG Training is a premier educational institution serving the Cleveland, area in Ohio with higher educational opportunities in the healthcare field, we pride ourselves on meeting and exceeding the educational and workforce training needs of the healthcare industry, and community. Click "Read More" to find out more about our staff. Feel free to also check out our catalog for more information on our school. 

Open 5 days

a week

Accepting Online and 

In-Person payment

Ohio Means Jobs

Signup Accepted

6 week course 

for certification


Frequently Asked Questions

For questions and Inquiries about our services,

select Class Information for information on classes or Payment for payment information.

  • Payment
    All tuition and fees are payable for one course only. Full payment is due prior to the start of class, unless you are on a payment plan. Total projected cost of program at current tuition and fee rates: $1,400.00 Tuition and fee charges are subject to change at the school discretion. Any tuition or fee increases will become effective for the school term following student notification of the increase.
  • Cancellation
    This enrollment agreement may be canceled within five calendar days after the date of signing provided that the school is notified of the cancellation in writing. If such cancellation is made, the school will promptly refund in full all tuition and fees paid pursuant to the enrollment agreement and the refund shall be made no later than thirty days after cancellation. This provision shall not apply if the student has already started academic classes.
  • Refund Policy
    If the student is not accepted into the training program, all monies paid by the student shall be refunded. Refunds for books, supplies and consumable fees shall be made in accordance with Ohio Administrative Code section 3332-1-10.1. There is one (1) academic term for this program that is 70 clock hours in length. Refunds for tuition and refundable fees shall be made in accordance with following provisions as established by Ohio Administrative Code section 3332-1-10: • A student who withdraws before the first class and after the 5-day cancellation period shall be obligated for the registration fee. • A student who starts class and withdraws before the academic term is 15% completed will be obligated for 25% of the tuition and refundable fees plus the registration fee. • A student who starts class and withdraws after the academic term is 15% but before the academic term is 25% completed will be obligated for 50% of the tuition and refundable fees plus the registration fee. • A student who starts class and withdraws after the academic term is 25% complete but before the academic term is 40% completed will be obligated for 75% of the tuition and refundable fees plus the registration fee. • A student who starts class and withdraws after the academic term is 40% completed will not be entitled to a refund of the tuition and fees. The school shall make the appropriate refund within thirty days of the date the school is able to determine that a student has withdrawn or has been terminated from a program. Refunds shall be based upon the last date of a student’s attendance or participation in an academic school activity.

For more questions or to schedule an appointment,

Class Registration Calendar

Here below we have a list of our Early Registration dates, Class Start dates and Last Day of Class dates. Classes start every Monday and are 6 weeks long. Class times are Monday / Wednesday / Friday 5pm to 9pm. The earliest registration date is always a week prior to the 6 week course you request to attend.

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